Chocolate Walnut Pavés with Nocino-scented Cream

Pavé, or paving square or stone, is the most deceptive “brownie” you will ever taste. It is flourless and lactose free, not overly sweet and absolutely melt in your mouth.
Recipe created for California Walnuts: http://www.walnuts.org/cooking-with-walnuts/recipes/chocolate-walnut-paves-with-nocino-scented-cream/
Chocolate Walnut Pavés
1 cup butter, unsalted
7 1/2 ounces chocolate, bittersweet
7 1/2 ounces chocolate, semisweet
6 eggs, separated
3/4 cup sugar
1 cup California walnuts, toasted, finely chopped
Confectioners’ sugar
Nocino-Scented Cream
1 cup cream, heavy
2 to 3 tablespoons nocino or walnut liqueur
1 tablespoon sugar, powdered
Preheat oven to 350°F.
Butter the sides and the bottom of a 9-inch x 13-inch baking pan. Line the bottom with baking parchment and flour the pan lightly.
Melt the butter in a large heavy saucepan. Chop the chocolate coarsely and add it to the butter. Stir constantly over low heat until just melted and smooth; be careful not to overheat or the chocolate will turn grainy. It should not get much hotter than 115°F.
Separate the eggs. eat the yolks with approximately half of the sugar until light and creamy. Beat the chocolate/butter mixture into the sugar/yolks.
Warm the egg whites slightly by swirling them in a bowl above a gas flame or over hot water. Beat to a stiff peak and add the rest of the sugar. Continue to beat to incorporate the sugar completely but without deflating the whites.
Spread the egg whites and walnuts over the chocolate mixture and fold them together with the fewest strokes possible without deflating the whites.
Pour into prepared pan and bake until it has risen around the edges and a skewer comes out with just a couple of crumbs on it, 30 to 35 minutes.
Turn it out of the pan onto a rack while it is still warm. Remove the parchment while it is still warm. Turn it over, trim the edges and cut into squares.
Dust with confectioners’ sugar and optional threads of melted chocolate. Serve with Nocino-Scented Cream
* If making the Nocino-Scented Cream: Whip the cream to soft peaks and flavor with the nocino and sugar.